Embark on a somatic journey to honor Mother's Day's diverse emotions and lineage, weaving gratitude into existence.
Mother's Day, oh how it dances in so many shades. For some, it's a gentle embrace of memories, for others, a tender longing for what once was. Perhaps there are those celebrating in joyful reunions, while some tread paths estranged. And then there are the new mothers, cradling the essence of life, understanding anew the silent symphony of their own mothers' roles. There are also those yearning to don on that role and meaning too.
For each of these souls, this Mother's Day, the invitation is to find solace in understanding and reflection. In this workshop, we honor the diverse experiences that weave through this occasion.
As we embark on a somatic journey together, I invite you to listen closely to the whispers of your body. You carry within you, the story of your lineage, the strength inherited from mothers past.
Let us explore the intricate dance between heart and womb, tracing the delicate threads that connect us to generations before. Through gentle introspection, we'll tap into the wisdom and resilience nestled within, recognizing both the echoes of our mothers and the ones before them and the unique paths we forge.
Together, we'll cultivate gratitude that resonates from the depths of our being, embracing Mother Earth's nurturing embrace and acknowledging the guiding presence of our lineage. Join us as we tenderly honor the essence of motherhood in all its forms, weaving gratitude into the very fabric of our existence. Format: 1. Introductions and settling in
2. Intention Setting
3. Grounding
4. Gentle Breathwork
5. Bao-Mai channel aka heart to Womb connection Meditation
6. Ancestral Connection
7. Silent Exploration
8. Gratitude Cultivation
9. Sharing and closing Timing: May 12th
11 am - 12 pm SGT 8:30 am - 9:30 am IST 11 pm - 12 am EST (Sat May 11th)
Replay is available till 31st May. Payment: Between 15 SGD to 99 SGD, Stripe link here
Some more posts of mine on this: https://www.instagram.com/p/C6katsNyUvN/ https://www.instagram.com/p/C6nzKlCy_ej/ https://www.instagram.com/p/C6fvT_XSNJc/ https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6kgjEgSh1a/ Hope to see you there! :)